The 1st edition of SpaceBR Show brought together more than 50 speakers from the space sector in Brazil and the world.
O vice-presidente do FLIC S.A., André Pierre Mattei, esteve presente no painel Oportunidades de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Empresarial no setor espacial junto com Talita Possamai (Professora de Engenharia Aeroespacial e Coordenadora do projeto Constelação Catarina da UFSC); Gabriel Gabbay Zanatta (Fundador da Pale Dot.) e o moderador foi Cristiano Augusto Trein (Diretor de Governança do Setor Espacial da Agência Espacial Brasileira). The vice president of FLIC S.A., André Pierre Mattei, was present at the Technological and Business Development Opportunities panel in the space sector along with Talita Possamai (Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Coordinator of the Catarina Constellation project at UFSC); Gabriel Gabbay Zanatta (Founder of Pale Dot.) and the moderator was Cristiano Augusto Trein (Director of Space Sector Governance at the Brazilian Space Agency).